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Buford Board of Education Meeting Minutes July 2018

Staff Reports

July 30, 2018 – July’s Buford City School Board meeting started off with Chairman Phillip Beard calling for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pay requests to Charles Black Construction and Breaux & Associates for the new Buford High School were approved.  Pay requests pertaining to the new BHS athletic fields and landscape irrigation were approved as well. The pay request for football replacement turf field was the final pay requests for contractors.  The Board approved to purchase the following: new televisions – Academy (Finish replacing remaining old tube style tv’s), ice machine – Academy, convection steamer – Academy and BMS, and railing and fence paint – BHS Stadium.

Each principal gave their individual reports.  BES enrollment as of 7/30/18 was 709. New BES Assistant Principal Christy Brown was introduced by Principal Tara Prince.  BA enrollment was 1,525. Principal Pulley said their summer school program was extremely successful. BMS enrollment was 1,166.  Principal Reed said they are prepared for English Learners Night on 8/13/18 and for Curriculum Night on 8/16/18. Dr. Shaddix reported BHS enrollment as 1,482 and said to prepare for this year, eleven new hires were brought on board.

Superintendent Dr. Geye Hamby asked for pay requests to be approved in which the school system purchased four new buses.  Two pay requests to Gwinnett County Public Schools for Special Education services and for students attending GIVE were approved. An agreement was reached between Buford City School System and 1st Stop GA Teen Driving Academy for the 2018-19 school year. The State of Georgia gave the school system a bond money to purchase three new school buses.  This is in addition to the three that were already mentioned. FY19 School Board Training Plan dates are November 12, 2018 and February 25, 2019. The Board voted to rescind action from FY18 pertaining to CTAE Offering for Construction. Dr. Hamby stated that the cost was just too high for what was offered and they would be looking at other course options.  

Lease events for the Buford City Arena were approved.  

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Rita Cantrell informed the Board of the school system’s Milestones results which were well above average.

The audience was informed that Buford City School System was voted as the number one public school system by another online source,

The meeting was adjourned after no further business was brought forth by the board or audience.

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