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Be counted! US Census Bureau ends counts a month early

The U.S. Census Bureau announced this week that they would end the Census count one month early in order to get the final census count to President Trump by December 31, 2020.  An estimated 60 million households have not been counted yet which raises fears that local governments will see less funding from the federal government than they would if the census would stick to their original deadline.

The census not only determines the number of representatives a state receives in the U.S. House of Representatives but it greatly impacts how the federal government appropriates their dollars out to state and local governments.  Federal money goes to help build and maintain our roads, schools, and hospitals, as well as, funds programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, Title I, and the National School Lunch Program.

If you have yet to complete your census survey, you can still be counted.  People have until September 30, 2020, to respond to the census.  Completing the survey is easy and fast.  The survey can be completed online, by phone, or by mail.

Information obtained by the Census Bureau is confidential and cannot be used against you.  For more information on how the census works, your rights, and how the information collected is used, visit


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