Ellie Choi

Ellie Choi is the Reader of the Week. She is in the third grade and is in Mrs. Raspotnik’s class at Buford Academy.

Ellie is the daughter of Chloe and Yoon and big sister to Ethan, who is 3 years old. She enjoys playing tennis, painting and playing with her friends on their bikes and scooters. She has a betta fish named Star and spends most of her free time reading. 

Ellie is part of the Million Word Club and also has more than 100 Accelerated Reader points. She said her favorite book is “Author’s Odyssey” by Chris Colfer. 

“I like all of the mystery and fantasy you get to read about within the book,” she said.

Ellie said her favorite genre is fantasy because “it makes my imagination go wild!”

According to Lana Nix, Buford Academy’s media specialist, Ellie comes into the media center every morning “just to say hello.

“It is a joy to see her and listen to her eagerness to learn about all of our new books,” Nix said. “She is always so positive and helps out other students when she is in the media center.” 

Congratulations, Ellie! Keep on reading!

The Buford City Schools Reader of the Week spotlight is made possible by the generosity of Peoples Bank & Trust, 1899 Buford Highway, Buford GA 30518, (770) 932-1900.

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