Copy of 12-03-21 ROTW Hales

The Reader of the Week is Rosemary Hales. A second grader at Buford Academy, Rosemary is the daughter of Sarah and Jason and sister to brothers Carter and James. She is in Mrs. Rolin’s class, and her favorite book series is “Rainbow Magic the Dance Series” by Daisy Meadows. 

“Rosemary is a phenomenal reader and is already at the level where she can read anything in our media center,” said Lana Nix, media specialist at Buford Academy. “When I walked into her classroom to interview her, she was  … you guessed it, READING!”

Besides being an avid reader, Rosemary plans to play basketball this year, and she is taking hip hop and jazz dance classes. For fun, she loves arts and crafts — especially painting with oil pastels and drawing with markers. 

“Anything to do with arts and crafts is awesome,” Rosemary said.

She said one of her all time favorite things is her “brother James’s brownies when he cooks them.”

“Rosemary is a perfect example to be our Reader of the Week at Buford Academy,” Nix said. She has already achieved her second quarter goal and is on track to double her points by the end of the quarter. “Her love and passion for reading is truly remarkable, and that goes right along with her super personality!”

The Buford City Schools Reader of the Week spotlight is made possible by the generosity of Peoples Bank & Trust, 1899 Buford Highway, Buford GA 30518, (770) 932-1900.
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