
March 1, 2021 — Buford commission chairman Phillip Beard called the Mar. 1, 2021, meeting of the Buford Commissioners to order at 7 p.m. at the Buford City Arena. Following the pledge, the agenda and minutes from Feb. 1, 2021, meeting were approved. The Commissioners voted to change April’s meeting to Apr. 12, 2021, due to Spring Break.

The first public hearing was a special use permit request to allow for a tire and auto repair shop for Royal Tyres, Inc. located at 4984 B U Bowman Dr., Ste 107.  The request was approved.  Lee Morgan requested a special use permit to allow for a mini-storage warehouse at 6702 McEver Rd.  The request was approved.

The Commission approved an ordinance/resolution amending sections 70-234 and 70-235, Article VII, Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances of the city of Buford. An amendment to an intergovernmental agreement between the city of Buford and Gwinnett County regarding the 2017 SPLOST projects at Thompson Mill Road which are jointly funded was approved.  The Commission approved a memorandum of agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation for the installation of roadway lighting at 939 and 912 Gainesville Hwy.

Approval was granted to allow Blue Cat Productions, LLC, Ozark Season 4 to be able to film in the areas of Main Street, Garnett Street, Moreno Street and to allow images of 30 Garnett Street (old city hall).  The Commission approved the 2021 Gateway landscaping project at I-985/SR20.  The City received a $50,000 grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation to assist in this project. The new Buford Community Center Theatre Season running from August 2021 thru May 2022 which will be 16 shows was approved subject to any applicable COVID-19 protocols.

A payment was authorized for the LMIG 2020 paving project.  The final payment for the Buford parking deck project was approved. A payment for the legion fields improvements project, as well as a change order (credit for dirt sold from job site) was approved. The Commission approved payment and a change order (final quantity adjusting) for the SR 324 at SR 124 gas relocations project. The final payment for the Southside Wastewater plant flow diversion structure was approved.

City Manager, Bryan Kerlin gave his monthly update.  Little league baseball and softball practice at the legion fields are underway. The season starts on Mar. 15. The annual parade that usually kicks off the season is on hold.  Mr. Kerlin stated that the city will try to get the parade in at some point during the season if permitted due to the pandemic.  

Weddings and other events are starting to pick up again at the Buford Community Center. There is a new piece of artwork in the form of a statue in the little park on Main Street in front of the Bona Allen mansion.  The official dedication of the statue will most likely occur in May.  The city is looking at installing a bridge going over a creek on the multi-use trail.  This would provide additional connectivity to South Harris Street. 

Buford did well on the 2020 US Census. Dan Branch and Lamar Sudderth headed up the Census Project.

The Buford Waterworks Plant Expansion project is progressing.  There are numerous projects in the gas, water and electric departments in various stages of completion.

This concluded the monthly meeting of the Buford Commissioners after no one had any additional business.  The next Buford Commission meeting will be on Apr. 12, 2021, at the Buford City Arena.

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