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Buford will resume Commission meetings starting in June

Buford City Arena will host the June 1 City of Buford Commission meeting. Special Photo

BUFORD — The City of Buford will resume holding public Commission meetings starting with their June 1 meeting.  The Buford Commission has not held its monthly meeting to vote on city business since March 2 due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

To make sure they comply with the CDC’s social distancing guidelines, the City has decided to temporarily move their meeting to the Buford Arena.  The capacity of the arena will allow attendees to safely distance themselves from other attendees.

The Commission has a backlog of business to handle during the June 1 meeting.  Due to the sheer volume of hearings to take place, the meeting will begin at 6 p.m. instead of the usual time of 7 p.m.  The meeting is expected to last until 8 p.m.

— Staff Reports

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