
April 13, 2020 — Mayor Steve Edwards called to order a virtual meeting of the Sugar Hill City Council at 7:30 p.m.  People had the opportunity to join the meeting either online or by phone. Following the pledge and invocation, the agenda and the minutes for three meetings in March were approved.

Mayor Edwards thanked the first responders, city workers, and essential workers for all that they are doing.

Council Member Taylor Anderson thanked the community for all the help they have provided whether it has been to the NG Co-Op or helping their neighbors.  Council Member Brandon Hembree seconded this sentiment.

Council Member Marc Cohen gave appreciation to the city staff for all they are doing, as well as, members of the community who have stepped up to meet the needs of the community during the pandemic.

Jane Whittington, City Clerk reminded people that the city’s customer service is still accessible.  She directed people to the website for resources or call the city and they will be happy to help.

City Manager Paul Radford says that city staff is either working on a flex schedule or working remotely.  The Golf Course personnel have gone above and beyond to keep the golf course open. E-Center is having the concrete floors sealed and the water features have been undergoing maintenance and repairs.  Flower beds in downtown are being replanted. He commended the Communications Department for their excellent work in keeping the community updated on the COVID-19 pandemic. Sugar Hill Counts is a reminder for residents to complete the 2020 U.S. Census.

Assistant Manager Troy Besseche expresses his appreciation for Tim Schick in the Maintenance Department.  4800 meters switched to remote meters. 600 locates for the gas department. They will not be relighting pilot lights at the moment.  Customers are asked to please contact a professional. Flooring work in E-Center in the common areas has been started. Red Clay Interactive is relocating to the E-Center from Buford.  Sidewalk projects on Suwanee Dam and Whitehead Roads are in the finals phases and close to finishing out. The Greenway has one segment ready for construction and will hold a construction meeting in the next few weeks.  The Veterans Memorial is near completion and contractors are working their final punch list. The Bowl renovations are progressing. The History Room has entered into the design phase of the project.

Mercy Montgomery, Economic Development Director says as of March 31, the city’s response rate for the Census has been 45.1% which is well above the national and state average.  Residents who have yet to respond are strongly encouraged to do so.

Youth Council Mayor Pro Tem Lexi Ducote says that the youth council changed their meeting schedule to bi-weekly due to COVID-19. They have canceled the Sugar Hill Scavenger Hunt and instead will do online bingo.  They have been discussing making PPE.

At this time, Mayor Edwards gave the public a chance to comment during this time.  People who got online or called into the meeting were given instructions on how to be able to comment.  No one had any comments.

Planning Director Kaipo Awana went over new business regarding the Enclave at Hunters Creek on Level Creek Road.  The Council approved the right-of-way plans.

City Manager Paul Radford asks that the Council extend their Order to coincide with Governor Kemp’s Order expiration date of May 13 for the State of the Emergency.  The Council gave approval.

The regular session of the Council Meeting concluded. The Council went into Executive Session.

— Staff Reports

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