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Suwanee Council Meeting Minutes- June 2019

Suwanee Council Meeting Minutes- June 2019

Nida Merchant

June 25, 2019— Suwanee Mayor James Burnette called the June Suwanee City Council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall.

The council dived into the public hearing actions. Councilmember Marty Allen reviewed the 2020 Proposed General Funds hearing as well as the 2024 Capital Improvement Program. This concluded the second and final public hearing for both documents.

A proposed amendment was featured to the City of Suwanee’s zoning ordinances. The proposed feature would add indoor recreational facilities and was recommended by city staff. The amendment was approved.

Following the Public Hearing was the Pledge of Allegiance and approval of Agenda and Meeting Minutes.

Mayor James Burnette and the City Council took time to recognize Chief Mike Jones for his 20th year anniversary in working with the Suwanee Police force. In the month of March, Chief Jones was honored at the State Capitol as Georgia’s 2018-2019 Chief of the Year. The Mayor took time to thank him for his devoted work for the city as the room stood for applause.

A special presentation was given by two members of the Suwanee Youth Leaders (SYL) program. SYL is a 10-month leadership initiative meant to call juniors and seniors from North Gwinnett, Peachtree Ridge, and Collins Hill high schools. They participate in many volunteer opportunities and gave their midway report thanking the city and program for their experiences.

During the audience participation, I was able to introduce myself to the city council and inform them of my latest endeavor to work with the city to bring their projects to the public’s attention with news items in the North Gwinnett Voice.

The Council considered the contract amendment with Hogan Construction for the Municipal Court Renovation and Addition. In May, the Council allowed Hogan Construction to complete the site work associated with the project. The amendment, as a result, adds building scope to their contract. The city staff recommends action towards this amendment after receiving the guaranteed maximum price.

The City Council updated the public on the city’s latest activities occurring in Suwanee including their weekly summer Farmers Market in the Suwanee Town Center. The event is expected to last through the season on Saturdays from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. The City is also hosting a Broadway in the Park event with hit classics such as Frozen junior and Elf junior. The event is hosted by the Suwanee Performing Arts on July 26 and July 27.

This concluded the regular public meeting. The Council then went into executive session.

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